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Bad Wilsnack (Brandenburg)

Germany is located in Central Europe and it shares borders with Denmark in the North, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France in the West, Austria and Switzerland in the South and Poland and the Czech Republic in the East. The North Sea and the Baltic Sea represent additional National Borders in the North. The official language of Germany is German and Berlin is the capital. The climate is quite pleasant with almost all variety of seasonal flavors as temperate, marine, cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers, occasional warm, tropical foehn wind and high relative humidity.
Germany is divided into 16 states which are further subdivided into 439 districts and cities. Germany is one of the largest European economy and the third largest economy in the world in real terms, placed behind the United States and Japan, and fifth behind the United States, China, India and Japan counted by purchasing power parity.
Bad Wilsnack is a town in the Prignitz district, in Brandenburg, Germany. It is located roughly halfway between Berlin and Hamburg. Since 1928 it has been formally recognized as a spa town, prior to which time its name was just Wilsnack.
The St. Nicoli church in Bad Wilsnack has a very significant history as a pilgrimage destination after the town and church were brunt down in the 14th century. It was assumed that some hosts were found to be bleeding on the alter and the resultant pilgrimages to see the miraculous hosts went on for some centuries until Martin Luther said they should call it off as a false miracle. The story of the bleeding hosts was portrayed in a series of woodcuts in the middle ages. To this day, the city sports a huge church that is much bigger than what one would anticipate for the size of the town.

Bad Wilsnack is definitely one of the popular tourist attractions in Germany. It is worth paying a visit while touring the country. This place leaves a pleasing and unforgettable memory and justifies the proud cultural tradition of Germany.

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