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The Wallraf-Richartz Museum one of the First Museums in Germany

The Wallraf-Richartz-Museum or the Foundation Corboud is one of the fine customary art museums in Germany. Early modern and medieval draws from the area among 1250 and 1550 form the significant foundation of the gallery’s collection. The Baroque area with most important works by Rembrandt, Rubens and many other important artist and the nineteenth century are with drawings from the Romantic age, Realism, Symbolism and Impressionism and a diminutive compilation of sculpture are other significant central points of the compilation.

In 2001 this area was developed and improved by the Corboud Collection containing more than 170 Neo-Impressionist and Impressionist paintings. The gallery also has a complete compilation of graphic art that consists of more than 75,000 prints.

Art in Cologne occupies an exceptional place within German medieval work of art, not simply as a consequence of the number of works created, although also as a consequence of its exceptional excellence. With 290 pictures from medieval Cologne, the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum has the most important collection of medieval Cologne pictures in the planet as well as Stefan Lochner’s “Weltgericht” or Judgment Day and “Mutter Gottes in Der Rosenlaube” or Virgin in the Rose Arbour. The gallery as a result provides to travelers an approximately entire summary of the expansion of Cologne board painting from 1300 up to 1550.

The Wallraf-Richartz Museum is the oldest Cologne gallery and it is also one of the first civic galleries in Germany. It was created with the all-inclusive estate of the collector and scholar Ferdinand Franz Wallraf.

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